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This is where it all started.
I had just left Habit and was in that cleaning, get all the stuff done that you haven’t been able to get done for years mode. We had a lot of leftover wood, and I was ready to throw it all away. The collected wood sat against the railing for a few days, and one day while taking a look I was stuck with a self-challenge. Bo and I wanted to start growing our own veggies, so could I take this leftover wood and make a planter? And better yet, could this planter be movable? The sun in our front-yard varies quite a bit as the year passes, and soil is HEAVY… so can this planter also be on wheels? The answer(s): Yes and yes.
This is where it all started.
I had just left Habit and was in that cleaning, get all the stuff done that you haven’t been able to get done for years mode. We had a lot of leftover wood, and I was ready to throw it all away. The collected wood sat against the railing for a few days, and one day while taking a look I was stuck with a self-challenge. Bo and I wanted to start growing our own veggies, so could I take this leftover wood and make a planter? And better yet, could this planter be movable? The sun in our front-yard varies quite a bit as the year passes, and soil is HEAVY… so can this planter also be on wheels? The answer(s): Yes and yes.